Sunday, October 25, 2009

One Thousand Gifts *253 - 260*

253. The beautiful trees with sunlight pouring through the leaves like golden honey..

254. The churches I pass on my walks through town... when the windows are aglow, I know someone's working or praying inside. I am grateful for their presence.

255. The incredible harvest of rhubarb and the best cake recipe ever from dear, sweet Linda.

256. Warm hellos from family and friends ~ more golden honey in my life.

257. I thank the birds for their lesson:
When life makes puddles, take a lesson from the birds and splish-splash.

258. The thoughtfulness of my children. Delicious, homemade crabapple jam~ Thank you Amanda, birdie note cards~Thank you Rachael, stopping over to help with the dogs & share dinner~Thank you Jason.

258. Safe travels for us and others.

Glorious gifts of painted creation.

259. Trees

260. Skies

~All is Gift ...... All is Blessing

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Gift of Stillness


Setting my clock time

to awaken

every moment

Live Now in His Presence.

Even in the noisy parts of my day
I want to hear his whispers.

~All is Gift ...... All is Blessing

Sunday, October 11, 2009

One Thousand Gifts *241 - 251*

God bless him!
241. Our son, Jason has the perseverance to work this hard for what he wants to learn!
Notes from his 400 level atmospheric science class

242. The lessons in this wonderfully written story by Kate DiCamillo
Because of Winn Dixie

243. That little hearts in nature are always there to remind me of His Love.

244. Tree hearts

245. Little pumpkins reminding me to give thanks.

246. Little wrens taking a puddle bath.

247. Chris made pancakes Sunday morning... THE BEST EVER!

248. Who can not give thanks for this beauty!?

249. Thank you for a kind and persistent salesperson at Dell, Jennifer, that called us back three times to help us with a purchase. She deserves her commission!

250. The generosity of a neighbor.
The delicious brussel sprouts from our neighbor, Joe's garden.
They were incredible... fresh is best!

251. The love of family that makes life beautiful.

~All is Gift ...... All is Blessing

Sunday, October 4, 2009

One Thousand Gifts *230 - 240*

'twas a long Monday at work then errands
finally the shoes come off :)

Wonderful weekend joys
230. A beautiful Saturday morning ~ long in our jammies.
231. A fun Saturday afternoon with daughter and nieces.

232. A beautiful Sunday morning ~ everyone out and meeting at church.
233. Leisure Sunday afternoon.
234. Great bread.
235. Great sandwiches toasted in the grill press
236. Great pumpkin pie 'birthday cake' and coffee

237. Sweet and gracious daughter
238. Amanda's call and her sweet birthday wishes for her sister, Rachael.
239. Love between Rachael and her fiancé, Juan.

240. Sunday night rest before a full work week.

~All is Gift ...... All is Blessing