Sunday, August 30, 2009

One Thousand Gifts *181 - 189*

The Greatest Little Treasures
190. For 20 year old "Love a Lot" Care Bear that can still make a little girl feel snugly at bedtime.
191. God Bless Uncle Chris... who will let his niece style his hair ... in the most awesome styles!
192. For the best afternoon ever ... making "Velvet" the bear at the Build a Bear factory.
193. For the love of a beautiful couple ... engaged to be married next year.
~God bless you, Rachael & Juan~
194. For this delicious salad... all was provided by our generous neighbor who loves to garden.
195. The next generation of Ralph the bunny.
196. For the first of the apples ... those that fell on the ground ... from our orchard of five trees ~
I love those trees. Thank you God! *You can see they're not sprayed :)
197. Our first apple crisp of the season...from the apples that fell from our trees.
198. For the lingering lesson learned by visiting the Build a Bear Factory.
199. A simple gratitude for the bluebird dishes that made every Saturday morning this season a sweet way to start the day!
Giving thanks together here at Holy Experience.

~All is Gift ...
... All is Blessing

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Praise ~ the Gateway to Worship

Photo taken at Glimmerglass State Park in central N.Y.

See how others Walk with Him today.~All is Gift ...... All is Blessing

Saturday, August 22, 2009

One Thousand Gifts *171 - 180*

171. The best feeling ever is when children, now adults LOVE their time together.
172. Mr. Darcy and Chino Sanchez . . . our very own comedy show!
173. Finally some quiet moments. What a power house (look at those muscles)!
174. Linda's rhubarb cake recipe... keeps on making smiles... even for daughter, Amanda who doesn't like rhubarb---she loved it!
175. Fabulous wake-up treat from Chris... Topped with Amanda's homemade crabapple jelly!

176. Some of the best photography happening out there is by Sky Watchers.
177. Sweet view I pass every evening on our neighborhood walk.
178. Grateful for the little, little birds that chitter chatter ... they sing rain or shine reminding me to be joyful always.
179. This sweet garden statue that puts a smile on my face each time I walk past.
180. The gladiolas that grew this year!
For these and all your precious gifts, I am humbly grateful.

Counting my blessings has opened my eyes to a new awareness of God's presence in the everyday...every day~
Celebrate gratefully at Holy Experience .

~All is Gift ...... All is Blessing

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Most times a Pilgrimage . . .

on a beautiful, peaceful pathway on a remote island is not available. Most times, for me, it's not in a quiet prayer corner.
...although it calls for me as I walk passed.
my pilgrimage to prayer and time alone with God are in my car.
I turn off all the noise coming through the speakers...
And this enclosed space with a graciously appointed seat with a view~
becomes a sanctuary.I listen in my heart to the Writer, the Speaker, the Example of the Word.

and a pathway opens up in my soul.
See how others Walk with Him today.

~All is Gift ...... All is Blessing

Photo of the beautiful pathway taken last week by husband and son while camping on a remote island ~ Indian Lake, Adirondack Mts. NY.
Photos of car interior - Maria's good ol' '98

Monday, August 17, 2009

One Thousand Gifts *162- 170*

162. A wonderful 24 hours with my niece!

163. Her head to toes joy with our special outing to Friendly's.

164. All the choices and some pretty good food available!
My sister would be proud of her choices for dinner.

165. My delicious coffee... I had two cups and was up until 1am!

166. She ate all her sundae...chocolate with peanut butter! mmmm ... Auntie Maria got a 'coffee creamer mini-cone.' That's when you take an empty coffee creamer and fill it with ice cream...
It's actually a lot of fun :)

167. The next day we enjoyed berry picking. I am grateful for the gift of this wonderful little lady who has so much perseverance.

168. Her careful and thoughtful selections as she placed them in the basket, naming the beautiful berries' recipients.

169. Apple cider and apple cider doughnuts made right there at the orchard. A must have while you're there!

170. The gift of getting to watch her angelic face sleeping next to the pile of CareBears and all the other stuffed animals.

~All is Gift ...... All is Blessing

Saturday, August 15, 2009

One Thousand Gifts *156- 161*

Gift 156. The secluded islands in the Adirondack Mountains that have been preserved for those who love nature...
The island where husband and son camped.
157. The soul-rest my husband had ... truly needed.158. The glorious view from their campsite
159. Grateful for their dry weather and good equipment.
160. Son's needed soul-rest and time with his father and nature.
161. For Barry's successful leg surgery.
He and son, Ryan were missed by my boys.
Prayers for his return to wellness.
~All is Gift ...... All is Blessing