Thursday, July 30, 2009

One Thousand Gifts *135 - 141*

135. Clearer and clearer skies over my sister with every day that passes.
136. My niece...Miss M ... so grown up, polite and thoughtful.
137. Beautiful blue skies and cooler breezes blowing today after the huge storm last night.
138. Learning about the preciousness of life through family and nature.
139. For the grace and beauty of this plant called "Angels Tears."
It reminds me to pray for the unborn.

140. Google Earth is so amazing... we took a virtual drive down
"Going to the Sun Road." It's soooo special!
141. This cute heart cloud... I was looking for clouds with "curls" for a special :SkyWatch Friday: and saw this little gift :)

~Thank you Heavenly Father for the blessings all around me~
~All is Gift ...... All is Blessing


  1. Maria...
    Can I sing with your heart praise?
    Your love for the Giver of all good makes my heart soar.

    Thank you, friend...
    All's grace,

  2. Amen! A beutiful SWF post! Enjoy the gifts this weekend!

  3. Amen! Beautifully scribed!
